Paule-Clisthène Koudjou Dassi
Conservation and management of collections and other objects of the museum Mediation, welcome and guided tour of the course, administrative and budgetary management of the museum, supervision and supervision of student trainees (national and international), valorization of the heritage.
Supervision and animation of the inventory teams of the tangible and intangible heritage of the chieftaincy; several diagnostic missions of the chieftaincy collections in partnership with the Route des Chefferies (DRC), the Institute of Fine Arts in Nkongsamba, and the Bangangté Mountains University (2014-2018), scientific and cultural project manager with the scenography of the heritage hut and the space known as the «Musée de la femme», co-ordination of the publication of educational brochures: batoufam museum educational booklet etc., design and animation of educational activities in collaboration with the team of associate teachers, realization of Cartels (texts and graphics) present on the course of visits, supervision of restoration sites of built heritage of cultural interest of the Chiefdom.
Trainee professional culture at the National Institute of Heritage (INP) Paris, France (May - July 2016)
Improvement in conservation, management and restoration of a museum and heritage institution.
Training "prevent alterations of the collections" and ongoing training on "a state report" of the collections.
Master 2 student in Archaeology and cultural heritage management at the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon (Research thesis theme: Study and valorization of earthen architectures in Batoufam)
Master I in Archaeology and Management of Cultural Heritage (Yaoundé University I)
Bachelor's Degree in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage (Yaoundé University I.)
Academic internships:
Participation in the International Conference on Preventive Archaeology along the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline (May 2011), Learning of inventory techniques at the National Museum of Yaounde. (February 2010), Training course on techniques of prospection in archaeology in Mvolyé (the recognition of a pit, a site through the presence of shards of pottery, the laying of the grid for the delimitation of the area to be searched). (May 2009), Participation in the Nfomakap schoolyard on the learning of excavation techniques in archaeology (learning techniques, excavation, to recover vestiges in plan and stratigraphy, washing and counting of remains, classification by type of remains.
Dassi Koudjou, Paule-Clisthène: Conservations of African Cultural Heritage: A Comparative Study between Cameroon and Germany, in Andratschke, Claudia, Müller, Lars und Lembke, Katja (Hrsg.): Provenance Research on Collections from Colonial Contexts: Principles, Approaches, Challenges, Heidelberg:, 2023 (Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerks Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen, Band 5), S. 194–204;

Research Fellow: Paule-Clisthène Koudjou Dassi
Chief of chefferie-museum of the Batoufam group