Opening Remarks by Björn Thümler

Panel: Welcome Panel
Monday, 21 June, 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (CET)


Björn Thümler has been Lower Saxony's Minister for Science and Culture since 2017. After studying political science and history in Hanover and Oldenburg, he first became office manager for Erich Maaß, and later a member of staff for Manfred Carstens, both members of the German Federal Parliament. He has been a member of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) since 1986 and has held various offices there (chairman of the Junge Union (Young Union) in the Westermarsch district, chairman of the CDU Wesermarsch district association and, since 2003, CDU state executive director) and a member of the Lower Saxon Federal State Parliament since 2003.