Albert Gouaffo
Panel: Closing Session Wednesday, 23 June, 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. (CET)
Albert Gouaffo teaches German literature and cultural studies, as well as intercultural communication in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages at the Université de Dschang in Western Cameroon. He is Vice-President of the Association of Sub-Saharan Germanists (GAS). His current research interests include German literature of the colonial period in Africa, German literature of the African diaspora, memory studies and provenance research on cultural objects stolen during German colonisation. His current book is "Koloniale Verbindungen - transkulturelle Erinnerungstopografien: Das Rheinland in Deutschland und das Grasland Kameruns. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag 2019".

Professor German literature and Culture Studies, Intercultural Communication
University of Dschang