Sabine Lang
Sabine Lang was trained in Cultural Anthropology, Ancient American Studies and European Prehistory at the universities of Tübingen and Hamburg. Her doctoral dissertation (Hamburg, 1990) was on systems of multiple genders and on homosexual behaviour in indigenous cultures of North America. After earning her doctoral degree she continued her research on these subjects by conducting fieldwork, which was funded by the German Research Foundation, in the United States.
For many years Lang used to be active as an independent scholar, visiting lecturer, specialist translator and specialist editor. She has presented the results of her fieldwork in numerous publications.
Since early 2017 she has been conducting provenance research at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, currently in the context of the PAESE joint project.
In the context of the subproject “Reconstruction of Collection Biographies and Regional Networks”, Sabine Lang has curated the special exhibition “Heavyweight Fashion. Traditional Clothing and Adornment of Herero Women”, which was shown at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum from 11 February until 8 November 2020.
Den Sammlern auf der Spur: Provenienzforschung zu kolonialen Kontexten am Roemer- und Pelizaeus- Museum Hildesheim 2017/18 (together with Andrea Nicklisch and with a contribution by Tristan Oestermann). Editor: Claudia Andratschke. Heidelberg:, 2021 (Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerks Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen, Band 2).
Provenienzforschung zu Objekten aus kolonialen Kontexten am Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim. In: Provenienz & Forschung, hrsg. vom Deutschen Zentrum Kulturgutverluste, 2.2018, S. 54-59 (together with Andrea Nicklisch).
How Salomon Bibo from Germany became an Indian Chief, and Other Glimpses of Jewish Life in the Wild West. In: Astrid Wonneberger, Mijal Gandelsman-Trier und Hauke Dorsch (Eds.): Migration, Networks, Skills. Anthropological Perspectives on Mobility and Transformation (Festschrift in Honor of Waltraud Kokot). Bielefeld: Transcript, 2016, 101-129.
Native American Men-Women, Lesbians, Two-Spirits: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. In: Sabine Lang (Ed.): Journal of Lesbian Studies, special issue 20 (3-4), „Native American Men-Women, Lesbians, Two-Spirits: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives“, 2016, 299-323.
(Editor, Tranlation, Introduction) Stephen H. Long: Entlang des Mississippi. Die Entdeckung des Mittleren Westens. Wiesbaden: Edition Erdmann in der Verlagshaus Römerweg GmbH, 2016.

Dr. Sabine Lang (RPM Hildesheim)
Subproject: Collection Biographies and Regional Networks
Head of the Subproject: Dr. Andrea Nicklisch (RPM Hildesheim)