LMH_ET 4082

Inventory number LMH_ET 4082
Location Landesmuseum Hannover
Object name Faustschild
Place where collected Afrika, Ostfafrika, Tansania
Materials Not assigned
Technology Not assigned
Dimensions H: 12,5 cm; D: 22 cm
Parts Einzelteil
Year of manufacture vor 1902
Associated people and institutions Gustav Cohrs
Bundle Cohrs 1902
Type of object Verteidigungswaffe
Category of object Ethnographica
Cultural attribution No attribution
Year of arrival in the current collection 1902
Month of arrival in the current collection 1
Day of arrival in the current collection 23
Type of acquisition als Schenkung
Acquired Gustav Cohrs
Previous owner Gustav Cohrs


  • 23. January 1902 acquired through Landesmuseum Hannover als Schenkung at/from Gustav Cohrs.
  • 1902 acquired through Gouvernementssekretär Gustav Cohrs (1864-1944) durch unbekannte Erwerbsart at/from Unbekannt.
Editor's initials MJ
Year of most recent editing 2020
Status Provenienz bearbeitet
PDF inventory book PDF
PDF index card PDF
Related literature

Alexis von Poser, Bianca Baumann (Hrsg.): Heikles Erbe. Koloniale Spuren bis in die Gegenwart, Dresden 2016.

Object URL https://www.postcolonial-provenance-research.com/en/database/exposition/lmh_et-4082/